Sunday, March 15, 2009

Armantes Old Bush Vine Garnacha 2006

My miniscule pour for the weekend. A splash of garnet in the glass. Translucent yet not without depth and clinging to the sides with a rasberry film after swirling. Armantes Garnacha is a wine that pops up in wine writing fom here in little old Nu Zillund to Blighty, the States and beyond. All almost universally cheering on it's plump, vivaceous flavours and approachable price. It's a story that's hard to beat. 50 year old vines! We can barely manage half, a quarter that in this part of the world. Under $20 without a green, stalky note to be seen yet avoiding the cherry-pop swig of lesser Australian models (not that there's not heaps of cheery Oz reds available for well under $20, but this is exotic!).

Spanish Grenache does a lovely line in sweet chocolate aromas and the Armantes is no exception. A hint of caramel, strawberry, rasberry bound up in a proper red wine palate of fine drying tannins. Rustic yet not bombastically so this is floral in all the right places. Bucolic rather than boorish.

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